Visualize your cultural efforts with transparent dashboards and open accountability

Join the culture revolution

“I think we have a good and healthy culture”

But do we really?
How do we know for sure?

  • Want to know about your culture? Surveys are one way, but we offer a better alternative.

    Imagine being able to see how your culture is doing every day and being able to respond to any issues without waiting for survey results.

    TALENT Analytics provides a culture dashboard that lets you take proactive steps to maintain a healthy culture.

  • When managing your talent and culture expectations, there isn't a blueprint to guide you.

    Additionally, finding the connection between what currently exists and what should exist is crucial to make any necessary improvements.

    When visualizing your culture, Zwopr allows you to see the effect, impact, and result in real-time while organizing your team's cultural efforts for your talents.

  • Culture change is difficult; there is no objection here. The biggest challenge is to make it feel 'wanted and accepted' by your talents. It also has to feel natural, not forced.

    Zwopr's Ambassador program is not just about change; it's about valuing your peers' insights and experiences. It's a platform that respects their role in driving development within your organization, not as a mandate from HR or leadership teams, but as active participants in the journey.

    In addition, you are provided with everyday operational guidance for the most effective impact of change.

  • Organizations have never before had access to historical data on their cultural development, nor have they been able to act proactively rather than reactively.

    Zwopr's TXP is the first platform that allows you to see your cultural impact in real time and understand critical moments in your historical data where your culture took a wrong turn for the worse.