Actionable insights into your corporate culture!

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Assessing cultural elements can pose significant challenges.

  • Zwopr offers a proven assessment questionnaire for employees, delivering actionable insights based on sound methodology and scientific validation.

  • It is essential to grasp the distinctions between accessibility, importance, and perception, as these vary from person to person. This understanding is crucial for conducting a clear cultural assessment.

  • Your organization's culture, activity, and engagement are not reflected by values or other intangible concepts. Instead, these are simply tools to aid people in better understanding their meaning.

  • Following culture coaching sessions, employees have expressed frustration due to the lack of actionable insights. They perceive each survey as merely a public relations exercise, which has led to growing dissatisfaction. Our approach involves providing a comprehensive analysis covering 27 different aspects of your organization's culture. This helps to identify and address any gaps in your current culture management strategies.

Are you ready to gain insights into your corporate culture to fuel your organisation?